In the southwest, entire festivals are dedicated to the chile pepper and chile pepper stews. Green chile stew, or green chili, usually includes pork, tomatoes, spices and, of course, plenty of those green chiles.

In the southwest, entire festivals are dedicated to the chile pepper and chile pepper stews. Green chile stew, or green chili, usually includes pork, tomatoes, spices and, of course, plenty of those green chiles.
Every Christmas Eve in the home of Paul and Jeanne DeCelles, the kitchen counters would be covered with dozens of cinnamon rolls.
Steve and Lydia Gaudet’s (Mobile) shrimp pasta boasts some impressive credentials: “This is a recipe I take to a lot of families with new babies,” Lydia says. “So far, I have a 100% recipe request rate . . . from the dads!”
What it takes is cabbage and elbow grease,” says Tom Voissem (Appleton), talking about his homemade sauerkraut.
“Maybe half the people coming to the farm stand are getting greens,” notes Peter Putzier, who is responsible for the 10,000 square feet of Praise Harvest farmland scattered throughout the block.