More in Tributes
Georgine Redmond
July 2

Georgine Redmond

She was the parish nurse for several years till her own health began to decline, but even then Georgine sought ways to serve those in need. She initiated our branch’s outreach with the Lamb Center—a ministry to the homeless in our area.

Anastasia Evans

by Beth Bulger

Anastasia loved (in no particular order) a hearty laugh, being Irish, her family, telling stories, Native American customs, the history and determination of African Americans, singing, the Lord, the church, clothing and jewelry with a flair, helping people face and overcome relationship difficulties, choosing just the right memento for a specific person for a specific reason, teasing children, giving parents timely advice about child-raising, and her sisters and brothers in the People of Praise.

She was larger than life. She half-convinced my mother that she was a long-lost Russian princess (because of her first name) and made a fast friend in the process. She did convince my children that Easter was her personal day (partly because “Anastasia” means "Resurrection" in Greek).

Over the years, various infirmities kept Anastasia from participating in many events outside her home, but members of Servant Branch who got to know her found a treasure. Long after you had told her of a concern or worry, you discovered she was still praying about it. And she was quick to call to ask for prayer when her own concerns loomed. Our unity in prayer may have been what was most important to her.

A valiant single mother, Anastasia raised five children. She faced many health difficulties, yet she pressed on, loving the Lord. In our life, she had a special love and kind advice for elderly sisters who had known loss. As her death approached, no longer able to speak much, she welcomed visitors with a radiant smile.

How fitting for one whose name means "Resurrection."


Anastasia was born October 22, 1943, and died December 13, 2019. She made the covenant of the People of Praise in Servant Branch October 15, 2006.

● She raised five children, and her family now includes six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren (one born the same day as her funeral).

Anastasia received her B.A. from the University of Minnesota in African American Studies and her M.A. in social work from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. She was a counselor and social worker for many years.


  1. Karen Heintzelman says:

    What a beautiful tribute!!!

  2. Richard G Evans says:

    I am Anastasia's younger brother Richard. Beth wrote such a lovely tribute here, and I am thankful that my sister had such a tremendous experience with People of Praise, both enriching her life and she enriching others.

    I write for Catholic Stand, and, not planned out with Beth, wrote my own tribute article published on June 8. You might be interested in it as well. I also am proud to say that I took the picture used in this article, around a month before she passed on. She is sorely missed, but I am sure she prays for us as we do for her.

    Here is a link to her article on CS... God bless you all.

  3. Brother Conrad Richardson, fbp says:

    I was blessed to know Anastasia within the last year of her life after she had called the Friary asking for prayers. We visited on the phone quite often and also had several visits in person at her home, hospital and at St. Therese. She had amazing trust in God and a resiliency that kept her going till the very end. Rest in the peace of Christ Anastasia until you and those of us will be, as your namesake means, be resurrected from the grave and live in eternal happiness before the face of God. Amen!

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