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This is Praise Harvest
Our Work Video
May 30

This is Praise Harvest

In Evansville, IN, People of Praise members have turned vacant lots into an urban farm that produces thousands of pounds of vegetables each year for their neighborhood.

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This is Praise Harvest
Our Work Video
May 30

This is Praise Harvest

In Evansville, IN, People of Praise members have turned vacant lots into an urban farm that produces thousands of pounds of vegetables each year for their neighborhood.

Paul DeCelles—The Trinity School Vision

At the Trinity School at Greenlawn commencement in June, Kevin Ranaghan and Kerry Koller honored Paul DeCelles for his 30 years of service as chair of the board of trustees of Trinity Schools.

Kerry Koller: The Trinity School Vision

"Trinity School owes its essence and its very existence to Paul DeCelles—he gave us as a school a love for humanity, for human desires and for the human project."

Kevin Ranaghan: Paul DeCelles and 30 years of Trinity School

“If Paul DeCelles is to be thought of nautically in relation to Trinity, I have to say, without fear of exaggeration, that he has been Trinity’s architect and builder. He has been Trinity’s captain and navigator and at times its helmsman. He has fulfilled all these functions for more than 30 years. The result is that Trinity floats, sails, survives the tempests, and comes safely to port year after year.”


  1. Jerry Wind says:

    Thank you Paul for being a man truly in the image of God, being Christ to us all, being truly human yourself and as Mary Frances says-"a man's man". Thanks for your vision, your love and most of all your affection which is truly the "glue" of People of Praise.

  2. Rick Busekrus says:

    Paul DeCelles knows how to be Christ to (to love and befriend) the leper, the trash collector, the janitor, the cook at McDonalds, the bartender, the Pizza Hut driver, the manager at WalMart, the physicians assistant, the doctor, the lawyer, the Mayor, the President, and yes, even the Pope. Thank you, Paul, for being who God intended you to be!

  3. Marjorie Stanley says:

    Thanks Paul for all you have accomplished for POP over The years. God blessed you with a vision that was his making through you. I wish you many more years of good health filled with God's blessings.

  4. John Carnick says:

    Amen! Wonderful work, Paul. What an example of courage, faithfulness and grace. We love you, Paul DeCelles! -John Carnick

  5. Linda Coney says:

    Paul, for your leadership, your love of God, and your perseverance in revealing Christ to us and doing he all asks you to do, we wholeheartedly thank you. GLORY!

  6. Tom Shriver says:


    You are my hero! A devoted husband & father, an educator, a friend of Christ, an advocate of Christian comunity, a cancer survivor, one, who I hope never plans to retire from building God's kingdom. When I hear all of your academic accomplishments as espoused by Kevin & Kerry, I know all that "stuff" is true. Still, you are simply & humbly, God's servant; doing whatever it takes to fulfill his plan; being used as fully today as ever before in your life. God spared you for his purpose. I'm so proud to call you my brother & my friend. God Bless you in building his kingdom.

    Tom Shriver, Buffalo

  7. Connie Hackenbruck says:

    Paul, I remember how exciting your ideas for Trinity School were even before it materialized! We all wished our kids could have been there. None-the-less we all felt proud as the vision became reality and the reality was noted and awarded over and over. I love you and thank you for your hard work and courage and faith. Long live Trinity Schools!

  8. Omar Montemayor says:

    I was a member of People of Praise, Wichita Falls underway branch, many years ago. I am in deep gratitude for the immense blessing that Paul DeCelles has been for God's people that are a part of People of Praise and for those of us whose heart still belongs to People of Praise. I remember with deep fondness Paul's loving guidance. In Paul I see the face and beauty of our Lord Jesus.

  9. Beverly (Burns) Burke says:

    I knew Paul when he was like a younger brother at Little Flower school in Kansas City, Mo. To see and read of his tremendous accomplishments is breathtaking--and how proud Mary Ellen (Paul's Mom) has to be of her youngest of her five sons!!

  10. Patrick Desmond says:

    I graduated from nd in 1976. I was part of the early people of praise. I am very grateful for Paul decelles and his care for me. I am 69. I have 10 kids and 13 grad kids. I literally wondered if Paul was alive. God bless you all.
    Patrick b Desmond

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