
Our Work


A crowd of 80 or 90 folks gathered in a broad green field for a South Side neighborhood festival on a Saturday evening in June.


The rhythmic buzzing of cicadas punctures the quiet of a summer Saturday morning.


Summer 2018 - After praying for Paul DeCelles to be healed of cancer for more than a year, the women of the Allendale walking group met him in person during a July Action trip. From left: Dorothy Anderson, Gladys Moore, Paul DeCelles, Patti Deakin and Regina Brown.


Over the past few months the People of Praise has received a great deal of attention in the press. Here, we aim to correct the record and provide clarity on a few important points.


We just didn’t have a childhood. Our only sense of being a child was when we were at the People of Praise.


The 2018 Action conference aimed to address, as one participant put it, “universal questions that all teens have been asking themselves”.