Tina, a public health nurse, taped envelopes to all the doors for easy communication. She got some door tags, which read on one side “I’m ok” and on the other, “I have a need.” Each morning residents hang the tags on their doors.


We’d like to share a few more Pentecost songs with you from some of our celebrations. In South Bend, the branch’s music ministry prepared a virtual band and choir rendition as part of a live streamed community meeting. Servant Branch's Jim Rolland and Chuck Fossen performed as part of a Pentecost service sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.


In this video, Jim Rolland, a longtime leader of music in the Servant Branch, sings five simple choruses and hymns from his home in anticipation of Pentecost


We continue today in our songs for Pentecost series with “Send Us Out” written and performed by J-T Kelly (Mission Indianapolis).


“I stood for—I suppose—a few seconds, dumbfounded, and then, finding my tongue, I said to her, ‘I would not cry, if I was wearing the crown of thorns like you are,’


“I prayed out loud, asking the Holy Spirit to be with him, and I traced a cross on his forehead.”