
Our Work


After 36 years of service and visionary leadership, Dr. Kerry Koller has decided to step down from his position as president of Trinity Schools, Inc. His resignation will take effect in the summer of 2017. The Trinity Schools board of trustees has already begun the difficult task of choosing his replacement.

Most evenings a group of men are sitting, listening to music, playing cards and drinking beer underneath a scrubby pine tree in a dirt front yard on Dove Street in Allendale.


When Nick Holovaty came to northern Virginia in early November to give the men’s retreat, the branch presented him with a load of gardening supplies, already packed in a rental truck and ready for Nick to drive back to Evansville.


Angie Scroggins has a beautiful face, with a strong jaw, sorrowful eyes and a smile that flashes golden teeth.


A few days before Thanksgiving, the relatives of Praise Academy’s 13 students came to the school for a holiday lunch.


"The seed grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air sheltered in its branches." (Lk. 13:19)