"Ye fearful saints fresh courage take,     The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break     In blessings on your head."


In the midst of the chaos, Connie’s son, Dewayne, a six-year-old Praise Academy student, re-entered the room. He walked towards his cousin, stretched out his hand and silently began to pray with her.


Servant Branch members distributed 40,000 pounds of food, along with masks, toiletries and games on a Saturday in late June.


She was the parish nurse for several years till her own health began to decline, but even then Georgine sought ways to serve those in need. She initiated our branch’s outreach with the Lamb Center—a ministry to the homeless in our area.


Other scientists knew him as Dr. Whitlow Au, Ph.D., the preeminent world expert in the echolocation of dolphins and whales, and 2016 recipient of the Acoustical Society of America’s Gold Medal. We knew him simply as Whit.


Today, we are sharing with you a playlist of summer songs to stir your heart with love. These are songs for ordinary life, for listening to while doing the dishes or driving, going to the beach or mowing the lawn.