


Our women’s household has been blessed this semester to be living for the first time at 1450 Rembrandt, the house formerly known as 1435 Montcalm. The house was picked up and moved down the street and around the block this past summer.


One time when I was sitting on campus, minding my own business and eating my lunch with a friend, this kind of tall, skinny guy with messed-up hair walks up to me and my friend and starts telling us about what the Lord’s doing with him.


The missionaries were cleaning a house we recently purchased, and had invited some neighbors to come and help. Rebecca wanted to join in, but we didn’t have anybody to pick her up, so she walked over four miles in about an hour and a half. I heard this story and was just amazed.


It has been a pretty long day of mission work, and we get to the end of the day, about 6 o’clock, and we’re still looking for a place to stay.


It was overcast when we got dropped off in Rockport, Indiana. Peter Coleman and Joe Bulger and I decided to share words we’d received. We had just finished a prayer time, which is what we do before we go out to do some mission work. We don’t really have a script, because we rely on the Lord to give us what to say.


Last March, Claire Mysliwiec, Joe Bulger and I were out walking in a middle-class neighborhood in Evansville. We were almost past this one house when Claire said she was moved to knock there.