People of Praise Missionaries

A blog edited by Walt Seale ([email protected]) about People of Praise missionary work in the Mississippi River Valley. Learn more.

More in Music
Sorrow and Salvation: A Playlist for Lent
March 19

Sorrow and Salvation: A Playlist for Lent

Music and remembering are intimately tied together. Just as snatch of a song overheard at a grocery store can take you back to childhood, we hope this new Lenten playlist will stir up your memories of the one who gave his lifeblood for us all.

Revive This Land

Revive This Land by Jared Gonzalez.


  1. Maria Elliott says:

    This video is one of my favorite publications of the People of Praise. It's been around for 6 years. I'm blown away by the technology used to have brothers and sisters from all over the world singing at the same time. What a graphic visual and audio demonstration of unity of the Body. Also, this message is needed desperately in the Church today. Praise God for the Body!

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