Easter Scenes

Easter sunrise in Kailua, HI, taken by our daughter, Theresa Rakotonirina (from Mary Duddy, Oahu)

Easter sunrise in Kailua, HI, taken by our daughter, Theresa Rakotonirina (from Mary Duddy, Oahu)

We created a Way of the Cross in the yard, and family groups came one at a time to say the prayers during Holy Week. (Bill and Ann Kinkley, Corvallis)

Signs of the Lord's Resurrection in Yakima, WA. On Easter morning we walked up the hill above our house to worship the Lord as the sun was rising. (Gerry and Cathy Orthmann)

"I decorated for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday with white ribbon, then red for Good Friday, then Easter." (Judy Hickey, Saskatoon)

"Minnesota Easter" from Joseph and Ruth Schiller (Servant Branch)

from Judy Allgeyer (Colorado Springs)

from Michael and Kathy Janicki (Servant Branch)

from Julie Hrbacek (Servant Branch)

"Our daughter, Christy (deceased since 2012), made this banner for the Muncie Branch when she was in high school. That was in 1986. The colors are still as brilliant as ever." (Tom Schmitt)

from Phil and Carol Ehemann (Colorado Springs)

from Stu and Kathy Dobson (Rockford)

Some brothers and sisters posted visible testimonies to the Resurrection outside for neighbors to see, like this sign from the sisterhood (from Chris Ramsey).

Brothers and sisters in Jamaica decorated their homes with white lights and shared the photos with each other. (From Ingrid Robinson)

From Anna Lisa Rodriguez (Kingston)

From Dominic and Jenny Jeremiah (Grenada)

From Dana Oldfield-Williams (Kingston)

A sister from Colorado Springs dropped off Easter leftovers to older single people in the branch, as well as treats to open on Monday with her women's group over Zoom. (Kara Hrbacek)

The Connollys (South Bend) invited neighbors to step into their front yard for an "Easter shout out", complete with singing, shouting praise to the Lord, playing instruments and banging pots and pans.

From Collin and Margaret Anderson (South Bend)

From Dan and Anne Brewer (South Bend)

From Jim and Gerry Sgroi (South Bend)

These Easter banners, made many years ago by Mary Jo Wagner, are hung every year in our center’s gathering space for the branch Easter Meeting Celebration and the Easter season. This year since we were unable to gather, they were hung outside first thing Easter morning. We sent this photo and a message to members of our branch, on Easter morning. (Phil Monaco, Corvallis)

The Newburns (Rockford) held a vigil ceremony that began outside with a bonfire...

And moved to indoor praise and worship

Joe Bulger (Allendale) posted outdoor stations of the Cross for households to visit. He used pictures and scriptures from the passion story from Praise Academy.

The Newburn family (Rockford) posted Stations of the Cross in the woods around their home.


  1. Mary Sue House says:

    What a lovely expression of joy and love.

  2. Ted Vernon (Servant Branch) says:

    What a rich and diverse mix of celebrations! It's just like our life.

    Does watching snow accumulate and praising the Lord with Alleluias count?

  3. Mary Dohrman says:

    Thank you for sharing this! It's lovely and inspiring.

  4. Ingrid Robinson says:

    My heart is overjoyed at the unified expressions of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
    He is Risen Indeed. Alleluia!!!

  5. Terry Bomkamp says:

    Great job everyone, Glory to the King

  6. Rita Kottkamp says:

    How uplifting! Glory! He is Risen Indeed!

  7. Anita Beebe says:

    How wonderful and encouraging!! Thank you for sharing these.

  8. Julie walters says:

    For Clem and I here in Bonita Springs, Fl. We appreciate all of these for they bring us closer to the Risen Christ and to all in POP.


    What a wonderful expression of faith and tangible visible ways of evangelizing even while we have to stay close to home. Praise God!

  10. Dana Oldfield-Williams says:

    It warms my heart to see the effort that was put into celebrating the Lord's resurrection inspite of our current circumstances. Alleluia! Praise be to our risen Lord.

  11. Tom Duddy Sr. says:

    I never thought of doing anything "public" like these pics for Easter. We gotta start next year! I'm inspired!

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