Charlie Fraga (Vancouver-Portland) will be the next overall coordinator of the People of Praise. He was elected by the community’s board of governors during an assembly that took place September 9-10.
Charlie’s 12-year term of office will begin on November 3, 2021. He follows Craig Lent who has served as overall coordinator since 2003.
“I am humbled to be called to serve in this unifying role at such an opportune moment—when we not only celebrate 50 years of community life but look to discern what God may be calling us to do together in the next 50 years. I know that, together, with the Spirit guiding us, we will be able to hear the Lord and faithfully continue our vocation as his People of Praise. I covet your prayers as I enter into this new role, and ask for the same for our brother, Craig, as he wraps up 18 years of exemplary service.”
Charlie, 70, has served many roles in the community since he first joined in 1977 after moving to South Bend from San Francisco. In 1982, Charlie and his wife Carmen moved to northern Virginia, where Charlie led the branch from 1982 to 2003, serving as its first principal branch coordinator. In 2003, the Fragas moved to Portland, Oregon, where Charlie served as principal branch coordinator for 12 years. During his time in Portland, Charlie and other branch members worked closely together to establish an outreach and community building effort in north Portland, where some 70 percent of the branch now lives. In 2011, the branch launched Trinity Academy, a classical Christian school that serves 105 students, where Charlie currently serves as president of the board. Charlie has served on the community’s board of governors since 2018, and previously served from 1989-2001 and 2003-2015.
Charlie and Carmen have been married for 47 years and have four children and 11 grandchildren. He is a gourmet cook and a fluent Spanish-speaker. He was born in Oakland, CA.
According to the community’s foundational documents, to be elected overall coordinator, a man must be a tenured coordinator, at least 35 years old, a coordinator for at least three years and a member of the community for at least 10 years. He must receive a two-thirds majority of votes from the electors, who are the members of the board of governors. “He also must be prudent, charitable and zealous for the life and works of the community” (Principles of Structure and Government of the People of Praise). The community’s board of governors includes Tom Caneff, Sean Connolly, Charlie Fraga, Nick Holovaty, Craig Lent, Bob Magill, Phil Monaco, Pat Murphy, Jim Mysliwiec, Mike Zusi and John Zwerneman.
Anne M Brewer says:
September 10th, 2021 at 5:42 PM
Such great news! Come Lord bless Charlie and Carmen!!!
Maureen Mcdonough says:
September 10th, 2021 at 5:58 PM
With the Holy Spirit the community is in good hands with our brother Charlie.
Ted Vernon says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:03 PM
Thank you, Charlie, for agreeing to once again lay down your life for our life together.
I will intercede for you regularly and look forward to witnessing the Father's, the Son's and the Holy Spirit's work among us and through us, while you lead People of Praise as our Overall Coordinator.
Jim Grill says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:07 PM
Thank you Board of Governors! Congratulations Charlie! Thank you for continuing to serve us.
Mary L Louise Duddy says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:08 PM
Wow, excellent choice! Charlie and Carmen will be in my prayers, as well as Craig and Mary. Thank you Lord.
Dick Safranski says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:23 PM
Thank you, dear Lord, for leading our committee to this most important decision. Our Brother Charlie has devoted so much of his life to the People of Praise and has been guided by the Holy Spirit as he fulfilled the duties of the many offices he has held in our community. We could not have a more faithfilled and capable overall coordinator. May God guide him as assumes this office and walk with him as he serves the People of Praise and Our Lord.
Theresa McNiff says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:24 PM
Yaaaay!! Wonderful! Glory to God!!
Ray J Gonzalez says:
September 10th, 2021 at 6:51 PM
Glory to God! May the Holy Spirit lead you and guide you in this challenging new phase of your service to Him and all your brothers and sisters in the People of Praise.
In Christ - RJG
Dave Sier says:
September 10th, 2021 at 7:07 PM
Many prayers!! I
Karen F Heintzelman says:
September 10th, 2021 at 7:28 PM
Joe and I have lots of good memories of your South Bend days. It was great to be
friends with you and Carmen!! You will be a great leader as we are are filled with more of the Lord!
Our prayers are with you!!!
Carolin Faytle says:
September 10th, 2021 at 8:29 PM
Thank you for accepting this role. May grace abound.
Kathleen Heinrich says:
September 10th, 2021 at 8:38 PM
What a great beginning for our next 50 years. God bless you for accepting the call.
George and Meg McManmon says:
September 10th, 2021 at 9:00 PM
This is wonderful news. Thank you Craig for all your years of service and Charlie for your Yes. We will be praying for the transition to go smoothly and for great wisdom and an opneness to the movement of the Spirit as you lead us Charlie.
George and Meg
September 10th, 2021 at 9:17 PM
Charlie you have always accepted a service. May the Lord Bless you in this most important one.
Thank you Lord for this decision.
Nathan Barrett says:
September 10th, 2021 at 9:17 PM
Glory to God!
Stephen & Susan Busk says:
September 10th, 2021 at 9:27 PM
Praise God, praise God, praise God! We are very grateful to both of you for laying down your lives for us, Just as we are grateful for all the years that Craig and Mary served us. I hope this means you will be moving back to South Bend : )
Love to you both, Stephen & Susan
Mike Hass says:
September 10th, 2021 at 9:53 PM
Praise The Lord! Thank You Charlie for saying yes to community life in the People Of Praise many years ago. The Lord certainly has poured out his Love through you to many brothers and sisters. You certainly are prudent, charitable and zealous for the life and works of the community. I'm looking forward to what the Holy Spirit working through you has for us next!
John DeLee says:
September 10th, 2021 at 10:01 PM
Congratulations Charley. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to Gide the People of Praise in this trying time. You have my full confidence and support. V
Glenn Hilton says:
September 10th, 2021 at 10:10 PM
Blessings to you as you take this responsibility in Christ Charlie. Blessings to Carmen as well as she supports you in the role.
Barbara Potts says:
September 10th, 2021 at 11:25 PM
Glory to God for the generous serving of our leaders! Thank you for your response, Charlie and for your 47 years of marriage to your gifted and loving wife, Carmen. Sending prayers of thanksgiving, support and protection your way.
Francis Potts says:
September 10th, 2021 at 11:31 PM
What wonderful news!
Charlie, as Jesus leads you as the third Overall Coordinator of the People of Praise He will awaken many of the Spirits blessings on the community of POP. Historically, as in many great religious communities, the third leader of that community has a blessing upon them to revitalize the anointing of the Holy Spirit to all who are members of that community. My prayers are with you and Carmen to lead with the joy of the Lord that has always lived within your soul.
Peace, your brother in Christ+
Maria Castells Elliott says:
September 11th, 2021 at 10:05 AM
Full agreement w/ bro Ted V. about Charlie & Carmen laying down their lives once again. and w/ bro John D. about having full confidence in Charlie – a brilliant choice of the Holy Spirit. 39 years ago, Carmen & Charlie came to a branch with 13 people departing w/ over 10x that number. I pray God will work powerfully with Charlie to build up the Body of Christ again in our neighborhoods, states & countries. Alabanza a Dios! ~ María Castells Elliott
Beth Pingel says:
September 11th, 2021 at 10:10 AM
Rejoicing in this fabulous news! Thank you Charlie and Carmen. So grateful for you both and for your yes to the Lord and to our body.
Tom Brophy says:
September 11th, 2021 at 10:36 AM
We could not be happier with this election!
Be sure of our love and prayers in the years to come. The Lord still has a wonderful future ahead for the People of Praise and he has given us a strong leader to guide us. Thank you for being that leader.
Frank Bassett says:
September 11th, 2021 at 10:37 AM
Dear Charlie,
The news of your appointment as OC of the PoP has filled me with great joy and expectation. Having known you so well since 1982 as teacher, friend and pastor, especially as our first PBC here in NoVa, and in light of your exceptional skills and experience as builder of Christian Community life, I have great confidence in your leadership of the PoP for at least the next 12 years. Your deep devotion to God's Word and inspirational responses to the leading of the Holy Spirit will imbue you with the gifts needed to lead us into the future. Congratulations, Brother! Carolyn & I will keep you and our dear friend, Carmen, in our prayers going forward.
Tom Caneff says:
September 11th, 2021 at 12:41 PM
Everyone is so blessed. Reading these comments is heartwarming. Thanks for your willingness, Charlie! God will be glorified!!
susie clairmont says:
September 11th, 2021 at 2:52 PM
Whoop! So, so glad to hear this news! Much love to you both.
Tom Mcnichol says:
September 11th, 2021 at 3:03 PM
Charlie thank you so much brother for accepting this position. I believe the Lord has prepared you well to follow Craig. Want to assure you can count on our ongoing prayers and Craig thank you so much for all your dedication and commitment and service over the years. God bless you both!
Ingrid Robinson says:
September 11th, 2021 at 5:46 PM
Congratulations Charlie. May God's Grace and Mercies shine upon you and Carmen as you prepare to lead His people in the People of Prsise.
Peter Hammer says:
September 12th, 2021 at 10:54 AM
Praise God for this wonderful news! Craig, thank you for your service to our community over all these years. Charlie, thank you for saying yes to this call to serve in a new way. Thank you to all the brothers who worked and prayed to come to this decision. Praise God for 50 years and for the next 50 ahead of us! We will be praying for you at the branch meeting in Buffalo today as we celebrate God’s continued presence among us and his blessings upon us, especially these blessings that come through one another. Glory to God!
Peggy Go says:
September 12th, 2021 at 11:20 AM
Glad to hear the News. Our Prayers are with you and for you.
Vince Keaveny says:
September 13th, 2021 at 1:27 PM
Charlie, I'm immensely grateful to God for the outcome of so much prayer and discernment! May the Lord continue to provide for you and Carmen and the Board of Governors in the years ahead.
My faith is that it is for this very reason that we have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name!
Miriam Pena says:
September 14th, 2021 at 12:03 PM
May the Lord bless you and guide you in your service for His glory.
Nell Thomas says:
September 14th, 2021 at 4:37 PM
Congratulations Charlie (and Carmen) great to have you on board. Looking forward to seeing you
Dr. Peter Gaili says:
October 7th, 2021 at 5:08 AM
Dear Charlie Fraga. I thank God for you as you take up this new role. I thank the Board of Governors of the People of Praise for following God's leading. Looking at the next 50 years may God leading you to establish the People of Praise branches in Africa. Africa is calling, Africa is crying. God is calling. Will the People of Praise respond?. Am ready to spear work in Kenya and Africa. Give me a shout. Peter, Nairobi, Kenya.
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