Music and remembering are intimately tied together. Just as snatch of a song overheard at a grocery store can take you back to childhood, we hope this new Lenten playlist will stir up your memories of the one who gave his lifeblood for us all.
This selection of Advent and Christmas pieces features music both old and new, in a variety of styles and languages, and highlights different aspects of the incarnation and the story of Christ’s birth.
"Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head."
Today, we are sharing with you a playlist of summer songs to stir your heart with love. These are songs for ordinary life, for listening to while doing the dishes or driving, going to the beach or mowing the lawn.
As a Pentecost send-off, we think you’ll enjoy this 2008 recording of "Let Us Build Your Kingdom" written and played by Andy Grams and sung by Jim Rolland.
We’d like to share a few more Pentecost songs with you from some of our celebrations. In South Bend, the branch’s music ministry prepared a virtual band and choir rendition as part of a live streamed community meeting. Servant Branch's Jim Rolland and Chuck Fossen performed as part of a Pentecost service sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.