


Trinity School at Greenlawn unveiled their newest video at a celebration held at the school on Saturday night.


“Holy Spirit, come revive this land!” We want this prayer to spread to Christians and to everyone. The prayer comes from the words to a new song called “Revive This Land” by Jared Gonzalez. We’re excited to announce a new and exciting way to spread the prayer: a “Revive This Land” music video.


We are very excited to announce that our new DVD, "The Roots of the People of Praise," is now available. The price is $13, with free shipping. DVDs can be purchased by credit card through the LaSalle Company's Communication Center web site.


Since moving here to Minnesota, my desire to live with college-age women has been blessed a hundredfold. I’ve lived with at least 35 women, and weekly I get to celebrate the Lord’s Day with them and hear about what the Lord has been doing during the week.


I started out in 2007 making filming trips to the South Side of Indianapolis, where our missionaries were then beginning to hold prayer meetings and lay the foundations for Christian community.