Yesterday in Indianapolis, a team of 14 volunteers began working at two South Side homes, busting up concrete and hauling out trash and debris that had accumulated over decades. The team is the first of six Action teams that will work in Indianapolis and Allendale this summer, repairing homes, meeting neighbors and running camps for local children.


Annie Bulger (South Bend) delivered one of two valedictories at Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana) on Saturday, May 19. Annie was named co-valedictorian of the Saint Mary's College class of 2012 in March.

Three men were elected to the community's board of governors on May 17 in South Bend: Mike Coney (New Orleans), Bob McDonough (South Bend) and Pat Murphy (Servant Branch).


In Allendale, members of the Christians in Mission team are taking on new jobs, new responsibilities and preparing for new members.

Vancouver-Portland branch members are playing a big role in helping to organize a day-long free health clinic for their north Portland neighbors.


Jessica Davis, the 13-year-old daughter of Basil and Shyla Davis (New Orleans), out spelled nearly 200 other students to win the New Orleans regional spelling bee in March. Her victory secured her a spot in the highly competitive Scripps National Spelling Bee, to be held in Washington, DC, in late May.