Since moving here to Minnesota, my desire to live with college-age women has been blessed a hundredfold. I’ve lived with at least 35 women, and weekly I get to celebrate the Lord’s Day with them and hear about what the Lord has been doing during the week.
Our Work
I started out in 2007 making filming trips to the South Side of Indianapolis, where our missionaries were then beginning to hold prayer meetings and lay the foundations for Christian community.
A couple of weeks after that the gentleman who was selling the house called me out of the blue and said, “Another person wants to make an offer on the house, but we like you, and if you want to pay us some more money, we would be glad to sell the house to you.”
Our women’s household has been blessed this semester to be living for the first time at 1450 Rembrandt, the house formerly known as 1435 Montcalm. The house was picked up and moved down the street and around the block this past summer.
One time when I was sitting on campus, minding my own business and eating my lunch with a friend, this kind of tall, skinny guy with messed-up hair walks up to me and my friend and starts telling us about what the Lord’s doing with him.