We continue today in our songs for Pentecost series with “Send Us Out” written and performed by J-T Kelly (Mission Indianapolis).


“I stood for—I suppose—a few seconds, dumbfounded, and then, finding my tongue, I said to her, ‘I would not cry, if I was wearing the crown of thorns like you are,’


“I prayed out loud, asking the Holy Spirit to be with him, and I traced a cross on his forehead.”


Peter Putzier (Evansville) gives a tour of the current progress on Praise Harvest, an community garden maintained by the People of Praise in Evansville.


If you are interested in learning to make masks yourself and are looking for some good tips, here are the results of Mary Timler's research on the masks that are working for the missionaries.


“Oh brothers, lift up your drooping arms! Oh sisters, get off your knees and dry your eyes! Oh people, rejoice, for his kingdom is at hand!”