


Splat. An egg hit the window of my blue Prius and broke.


O Come All Ye Faithful!


The idea first came to Peggy Go when she read in the local Catholic newspaper about a retreat for young people of different ages and abilities that had taken place in another corner of the diocese.


“Deh house a-bun down!” Andre Johnstone (Kingston) was bringing a monthly supply of food to a shack occupied by two families of squatters when he spotted a small boy of about six and his smaller brother walking by the road.


Sixteen Servant Branch members have taken up residence on the second and third floors of an old convent in the West Side neighborhood of St. Paul.


When Nick Holovaty came to northern Virginia in early November to give the men’s retreat, the branch presented him with a load of gardening supplies, already packed in a rental truck and ready for Nick to drive back to Evansville.